
Baby Game Blanket

767,55 EGP

Availability: 5 in stock

SKU: 1647939000009 Category:

The play mat for babies is decorated with colorful images and equipped with soft arcs with hanging toys. Lying on the mat, the child can easily reach the toys that will entertain him.

The set includes 5 pendant toys.

With a play mat, your baby will develop while playing in comfortable conditions. Depending on their age, children can lie on it, turn over, look at patterns and toys, pull them, getting acquainted with them tactilely and visually, as well as developing fine motor skills and color perception at the same time.

Every child will enjoy playing on such a busy mat, because it is also incredibly soft and comfortable.

Size: 81×81 cm
Soft arches with hanging toys
Number of toys: 5 pcs
Complex design
A soft rug.






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